Fallacy adalah elemen didalam argumen yang mengacaukan logika berfikir sehingga mengakibatkan suatu diskusi atau perdebatan menjadi tak obyektif dan tak sah secara keseluruhan.
contoh : “Semua harimau yang kutau sangat buas dan berbahaya, jadi pasti benar jika semua harimau pasti buas dan berbahaya, sehingga harimau pasti harus tidak di dekati”
Here is my story. I met with an old person yesterday. She was so poor looked like. She got my pity. I gave her some money. But I was confused. You know why?. I looked at her footwear. I was surprised with her footwear. She wore a branded footwear. First, I took for granted. But, that was wrong. after that event, I looked her was picked up by a luxurious car. "Is she a wealthy girl?".
I'm sorry before. But, are you speaking with me?. If, Yea, I'll be very thanks you because you have visited my page before. And than, actually that was not a poetry, It was only a parable. you know, someone who admitted he is a wise person ever said like that.
Be a person who like Hairy fruit and mangosteen . Bad Outside but nice inside. Black outside but white inside. Bad Style but kindhearted.That's the meaning of a parable.
Be a person who like Hairy fruit and mangosteen . Bad Outside but nice inside. Black outside but white inside. Bad Style but kindhearted.That's the meaning of a parable.