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Old 11 March 2011, 02:34 PM   #1
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Benny is on a distinguished road
Cool lirik lagu theme song animasi

hai teman-teman,ada yang tahu gak lirik lagu theme song animasi,kalo punya tolong bagi ya.... .............!!!!
aku punya satu dari kartun hunter x hunter:

apa kau dengar suara angin yang berhembus di muka bumi
bangkit kenangan di masa lalu
apakah yang berada di sana
di ujung awan yang berarak
kutahu masa depan telah menantimu di balik hutan ini

selamat jalan ahh..
jangan berpaling lagi,dan teruslah melangkah
percayalah ahh..
gejolak dalam dada kan jadi kekuatan
suara langkahmu,yang tengah berlari kencang
sendiri kan kucari di tengah angin ini


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Old 6 June 2011, 06:46 PM   #2
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huaa.... kangen nonton HXH @_@

---------- Post added 6 June 2011 at 06:50 PM ----------

ini lirik indo nya, ato bisa yg bahasa jepunk na?

ne aq kasih ostnaruto yg wind

Cultivate your hunger before you idealize
Motivate your anger to make them all realize
Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

My knee is still shaking, like I was twelve
Sneaking out of the classroom, by the back door
A man railed at me twice though, but I didn't care
Waiting is wasting for people like me

Don't try to live so wise
Don't cry 'cause you're so right
Don't dry with fakes or fears
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end

You say, "Dreams are dreams
"I ain't gonna play the fool anymore"
You say, "'Cause I still got my soul"

Take your time, baby, your blood needs slowing down
Breach your soul to reach yourself before you gloom
Reflection of fear makes shadows of nothing, shadows of nothing

You still are blind, if you see a winding road
'Cause there's always a straight way to the point you see

Don't try to live so wise
Don't cry 'cause you're so right
Don't dry with fakes or fears
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end

moga2 berkenan di hati kk Benny
Where is the love?
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Old 6 September 2012, 04:43 PM   #3
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Benny is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by yumi_chu View Post
huaa.... kangen nonton HXH @_@

---------- Post added 6 June 2011 at 06:50 PM ----------

ini lirik indo nya, ato bisa yg bahasa jepunk na?

ne aq kasih ostnaruto yg wind

Cultivate your hunger before you idealize
Motivate your anger to make them all realize
Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

My knee is still shaking, like I was twelve
Sneaking out of the classroom, by the back door
A man railed at me twice though, but I didn't care
Waiting is wasting for people like me

Don't try to live so wise
Don't cry 'cause you're so right
Don't dry with fakes or fears
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end

You say, "Dreams are dreams
"I ain't gonna play the fool anymore"
You say, "'Cause I still got my soul"

Take your time, baby, your blood needs slowing down
Breach your soul to reach yourself before you gloom
Reflection of fear makes shadows of nothing, shadows of nothing

You still are blind, if you see a winding road
'Cause there's always a straight way to the point you see

Don't try to live so wise
Don't cry 'cause you're so right
Don't dry with fakes or fears
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end

moga2 berkenan di hati kk Benny
makasih ka udah mau nambahin. wah udah setahun baru bales aku.

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lirik lagu theme song

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